Friday, September 19, 2008

Riley's cake

Well, I just finished Riley's birthday cake. I am very pleased with it. There is a story behind it. Riley is in a choir at school that made a trip to NYC last school year for a contest. They were there 5 days and only one was for the contest so they had lots of sight seeing time. He and his 3 best friends went to M&M World and bought different colored M&M t-shirts and wore them home on the plane. The rest of the school year they wore them on the same days. Riley's was the orange M&M so I have made him an M&M cake. What do you think?


Jawan said...

Pam, the cake is amazing! I sure wish I could frost a cake like that. Mine always crumbles and looks terrible. That's when I throw my hands up in the air and make a cake-run to Publix.

Mary Beth said...

Very nice cake Pam! You were always great at making cakes.

Denise said...

When, oh when will you write again? Oh when, oh when will it be?