Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Well this weekend was busy indeed. Friday was the last day of school which meant finals for one of our kids and a field trip for another. After everyone arrived home and changed we headed out of town for my nephew's high school graduation 3 hours away. I was shocked to see one of my own fellow graduates from high school. I didn't even recognize him!!! It made me wonder just how much different I must look after 25 years. After celebrating with my family we were off for home. I was up early delivering the cake for my nieces graduation party. Then it was off to her graduation that morning. By the time it was all over we were all exhausted but my garden was begging to be watered. Where was the usual Memorial Day Weekend thunderstorms that seem to hit our part of the country? Sunday brought church and a youth party that evening. Fortunately, it was for the family so everyone was fed. Monday we were up early, as the weekend drunks were going to bed, to get our 20 mile cycling ride in. But we were rewarded with a trip to IHOP. Terry grilled that afternoon. We had chicken, corn on the cob, zucchini, and oriental salad (the cabbage was from my garden!!!). My sister-in-law and family came with the dessert....her wonderful bread pudding!!! While Terry was grilling I took one of the little ones to my garden to pick a carrot. After dinner we walked to the park and let the little ones play. What a weekend. Well if that is not life to its fullest I'm not sure I could handle it. It is so much fun spending time with family and friends.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Today's Harvest!!!

Today I harvested my first carrots! I also got a couple of strawberries, about 20 sugar snap peas and my lettuce need to be trimmed. I think I will be harvesting my first cabbage today also so that it doesn't split. Can you tell this is my first vegetable garden?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pammie, Pammie, Quite Contrary........

Wow my garden is taking off. We have been getting strawberries, sugar snap peas, lettuce, radishes and even one onion. Soon the carrots will be ready and cabbages. My garlic is starting to lay over which is a sign it is about ready for harvest. I am really learning alot. It doesn't matter how many books you buy some of the learning (especially when things are ready to harvest) is just trial and error. I can't tell you how many radishes I pulled up to soon. I'm restraining myself from pulling up a carrot at least until next Wednesday. Everything but one corn plant is growing nicely. I will be replanting that today if I don't see signs of a plant. OH!!! I finally finished Abbie's knee socks I was knitting!!! I started them in December for Christmas and was up to the leg part well before Christmas but that was the slowest most boring part of the sock. It didn't help that she wanted knees socks and the yarn is like twine. I am including a picture of the socks.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

End of the School Year Craziness

Is it just me or does the end of the school year always get crazy? Awards ceremonies, concerts, plays, etc., etc......We have two graduations in our family this year. This weekend we have a birthday party for my great-niece. Next weekend a duathlon my daughter is participating in. Then the two graduations the next weekend in two different cities one Friday and the other Saturday morning. This weekend our oldest son moves home from college. Where to put all of the stuff. It will be nice to have him home.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Guess what I've been doing

Ok, I have been working very hard to get my gardens in order for summer. We have already had a couple of salads and lettuce for our burgers. The only thing that hasn't come up yet is the okra and last set of corn plants. I finished the flower beds today and will be including photos.