Saturday, July 25, 2009

Where Has Summer Gone.....

Can you believe next week is the last week of July!!! This coming week we will be attending the Sooner Theatre's performance of Les Miserable. Riley is playing the part of Jean Val Jean. This will be the last week for Abbie to see her very close friend Hannah as she will be flying home to Colorado. I know Abbie & Bekka will miss her terribly. Travis is having his last gig of the month at "The Red Room" this evening and Terry & I will be seeing "The Proposal" with his sister and her husband. Has anyone seen it? I really enjoy watching Sandra Bullock. This past Friday I got to spend the evening with Debbie (Soderboom) Wells, one of my best friends from high school. It was soooo much fun to catch up. Terry & I attended his 30th class reunion a few weeks ago and I enjoyed it so much I am now looking forward to my 30th reunion (not for 4 more years). Well after this week I guess we will be staring "Back to School" and birthday season (at our house) in the face.

1 comment:

Denise said...

I saw The Proposal and thoroughly enjoyed it. Betty White was a bit weird in that role, but the rest of it was cute and funny. Loved Ryan Reynolds facial expressions!!!!