Tuesday, February 17, 2009

2 Down 1 To Go

Well, Saturday and Sunday's auditions went well and Riley and Terry were impressed with one of the school's drama department. They didn't actually go to the other school, as it was an off campus audition, so we don't have a lot of info on the school other than what we have read online. Friday is the last audition and I will be attending this time since it is a workday. I have to admit, I am a bit excited about going. I get that way when my kids are doing something new for their future. I was the same way when we were getting Travis off to college. I think I enjoyed the whole process more than he did. Pray that Riley stays healthy as there is singing involved in this one. This one is for a musical theater department. I'm torn as to which I would rather him do. Either way I will still get to see him perform and that makes it all worth it.

1 comment:

Denise said...

If he gets NYU let him go (if he wants). The exposure he will get there will be tremendous and put him in the position to rub shoulders with some of the Julliard gang. An invaluable experience!