It is such a day of mixed emotions. One I am so proud of Travis, and the other, I can't believe it has been 20 years since I gave birth to Travis. I was 10 days late and seemed like 10 months. Terry was in law school at the tail end of finals for that semester. Fortunately, it was only his oil and gas law final he had left.(his undergrad was in petroleum land management) Travis came in at 9lbs., 2oz. What a boy!!! One of my favorite memories is of him acting out the song "Step in time" from Mary Poppins. He has played trombone in marching band and had his own garage band in high school named "Gello". I thought they were pretty good and had countless hours of listening to them practice in our garage. I have gleamed with joy over the years at all he has attempted and accomplished. I look forward to seeing what he will do in the future. He has great ambition. So here's to you Travis. You are no longer a teenager.
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