Summer has been rather slow so far and if you know our family, that is driving some of us crazy. Abbie is healing nicely from her extractions and should be back to cycling next Tuesday night. We normally don't schedule vacations in the summer as Terry's work schedule is pretty busy. The holidays are a better time for us to get away. Abbie has church camp next month and Riley starts rehearsals for Les Miserables the first part of July. I am looking so forward to seeing it. Travis is busy with work and his band & I am one of the ones getting a bit stir-crazy. So today, Abbie and I are going to Barnes and Noble to peruse the books & magazines. Can anyone say "Carmel Latte"? If Abbie has the strength we will check Bed, Bath, & Beyond for any good sales on stuff for Riley's dorm room. Last but not least Walmart for a few items. That will break up the day nicely.